SAIGE is a new institution specialising in artificial intelligence and its related fields. We provide qualifications for educational institutions, employers, practitioners and learners.
We believe that artificial intelligence, in all its diverse forms, is critical to shaping developments in the 21st century and beyond. From industry to governments to the third sector, AI provides opportunities for individuals, organisations and society, as a whole, to flourish.
We believe that in order for this to happen there needs to be wider dissemination of knowledge, understanding and skills to support the ethical development and roll out of AI.
We are committed, therefore, to make access to this information, knowledge and skills readily available to a wider range of society than is currently the case. The provision of contemporary qualifications and pathways to employment in the fields of AI, cybersecurity and related occupations will be a primary part of the services we offer.
We aim to disrupt the qualifications sector by utilising AI within our own organisation and for the delivery of our services, whilst concurrently ensuring it’s ethical and human-centred adoption across all that we do.

At SAIGE, we
- develop qualifications that are adaptable, meeting the needs of learners and providers, and employers
- develop qualifications based upon current and projected industry needs, reflecting the industry’s rapid growth and increasingly rapid market development, ensuring qualifications reflect existing and predicted skills needs
- create nationally recognised qualifications which — in addition to skills and knowledge acquisition – have activities and assessments that are practical, allowing learners to create and construct tailored learning to meet individual and/or business need
- create qualifications which are purposeful, with clear aims and learning outcomes
- will ensure that all qualifications include content relating to the human context and the need to contextualise the development of AI with an overarching framework – reflecting a safe environment, the possible impact on the individual, society, the economy and the political space and mitigating against the inherent risks therein
- offer up to date learning resources that are developed by AI academics, practitioners and skills experts
- design and develop cost effective, tailor-made learning and training programmes with assessment packages specific to market and individual requirements, including bespoke programmes for individual (or groups of) employers
- work with universities and other organisations, widen access to AI skills acquisition through a suite of qualifications – starting at level 2 through to post-graduate level, enabling access to multiple progression pathways
- demonstrate a culture of continuous improvement, both in our products and the company as a whole
- uphold the highest levels of professionalism and outstanding customer service, always putting the client needs first
- utilise innovative technology to engage and enhance the learner and client experience
- ensure efficient delivery of qualifications
- provide access to individuals, groups and companies to opportunities provided through the utilisation of AI – for personal development, business development or social development – through deciphering a technological language that is often purposefully opaque and jargon driven
- create a hub where industrialists, scientists, academics, users, learners and others can meet, discuss, learn from one another, provide new and additional research and consequently widely disseminate easily digestible and accessible information on the current and future uses of AI
Our team consists of experts in industry, education, awarding and qualifications development and technology. Members of our team have led awarding organisations, businesses and educational institutions.
Moreover, as educators ourselves, we understand the predicament of learning providers who are attempting to circumnavigate this technological revolution – for both themselves as institutions and businesses, and for their learners. We aim to help you in that journey so that your staff and your learners can feel more confident about AI and it’s deployment and where they fit in that brave, new world.
Leading the team as Executive Chairman and Managing Director are Richard Palmer and Joseph Jones, respectively.
Richard is an ex-Principal of a number of colleges of further and higher education in the UK and has set up and worked with large and small awarding organisations at a senior level. He currently sits as a trustee of the City and Guilds Group as well as acting as a Board Advisor to a number of training companies and has advised the UK Government on its e-learning strategy.
Joseph is a former CEO of a successful international awarding organisation specialising in business and technology. Joseph currently advises other education organisations on quality assurance and strategy.
Also on the Board is Dr Wayne Holmes, Associate Professor at UCL in AI and Education. Dr Holmes brings a critical studies perspective to the connections between AI and education, and their ethical, human and social justice implications. His recent publications include “Artificial Intelligence in Education. Promise and Implications for Teaching and Learning.” (2019), “Ethics of AI in Education: Towards a Community-Wide Framework.” (2021).
Additionally, members of our team have developed a large range of technology related qualifications and learning programmes and also provided consultancy services to governments, NGOs and both SMEs and multinational corporations.